FW: Kishor Limon bonam Rastro

hello friends,
Our Solidarity Rally for Limon, 16 year-old college student whose leg had to be amputated because of RAB's lawless practices, BEGINS tomorrow.
Jahangirnagar Theatre will perform what they term a non-fiction play on the occasion to express their solidarity with Limon, and to express their OUTRAGE at state persecution and criminalisation of Limon. We hope you will join the Rally with family and friends to protest against what is being done to Limon, and his family.
Nagorik Shomaj is the name of our platform, it is open to all, and I request and urge all of you to join up. If you agree with the list of demands (see list below), please press the Reply button, and write, "Limon, I stand by you." The names will be displayed on a web page we are planning to host for Limon soon, and each new name will be added to the list as more and more people join up. So, please circulate this message as widely as possible so that we can send a LOUD and CLEAR message to the government, NO MORE ABUSE OF POWER! WE WILL NOT TOLERATE IT!
Nagorik Shomaj will hold Solidarity rallies every Friday, same time, same place, until the FABRICATED cases against Limon are withdrawn.
Given the current law-and-order situation, and the air of impunity that prevails, I do not think it is an exaggeration to quote pastor Martin Niemoller's famous poem,
FIRST THEY CAME for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
THEN THEY CAME for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
THEN THEY CAME for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
Bring your umbrella to tomorrow's rally in case it rains. Rain or sunshine, we plan to be there.
In solidarity,
Masud Imran (Mannu), convenor
Naseem Akhter Hossain, member
Sayema Khatun, member
rahnuma ahmed, member

Withdraw all fabricated cases against Limon immediately!


Mohd Limon Hossain of Jhalokathi, a 16-year old boy, who is the son of poor peasants is a victim of harassment and repression by state agencies.


Limon was an HSC examinee who supported his studies by working in a brick kiln, and tutoring students. He wanted to get an education to make his mother's dreams come true, to lessen his day-labourer father's economic burden. On 23 March 2011, during an operation RAB forces shot him in the left leg which later had to be amputated. But instead of admitting that it was a case of mistaken identity, fabricated cases of possessing illegal arms, taking part in a gunfight, attempting to murder law-enforcing officers have been filed against Limon. At present, the government is trying to prove that not only Limon, but his whole family are terrorists.


We demand:

*Withdraw all fabricated cases against Limon

*Take clear steps to restore him to his college life with dignity

*Punish the perpetrators, and compensate Limon for his injury and harassment



Until these fabricated cases are withdrawn, a silent protest rally will be held every Friday from June 3, 2011

in front of the National Museum (Shahbagh) from 4:00 - 5:00 pm.


Nagorik Shomaj

teachers, writers, intellectuals, housewives, students, workers, cultural activists and

people from different walks of life


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